Join or Renew Membership in FCC-NT


FCC-NT Membership/Renewal Form

$25 membership fee is tax deductible.
Items in red are required fields.


Check all that apply
Application Type: New Member? Yes | No
Renewing Member? Yes | No
Member Type:   China adoptive family? Yes | No
Waiting or deciding family? Yes | No
Adoption Professional? Yes | No
Other (please specify):

Parent Name(s):
Street Address:
City: State: Zip:
Home Phone: Work Phone: Fax Phone:

(Most FCC organizational communication is by e-mail - please provide if possible)

Do you wish to be included in the directory of members?   Yes | No

Please tell us about each of your children (please include birth children and other-than-China adoptees)

First Child's Name: Birthday:
Province: Country:

Second Child's Name: Birthday:
Province: Country:

Third Child's Name: Birthday:
Province: Country:

Fourth Child's Name: Birthday:
Province: Country:

Fifth Child's Name: Birthday:
Province: Country:

Please note that we will keep your personal information strictly confidential. It will not be revealed without your permission. FCC policy is that the FCC database, directories and membership lists are only for the use of FCC adoptive and prospective adoptive families. They may not be used for commercial, research or any other purposes (for-profit or not-for-profit) without the written consent of the FCC-NT Board of Directors.

FCC-NT is an all-volunteer organization. The activities and programs offered are only possible because of the active participation of our members. Our group works on a volunteer basis, therefore the availability of activities and events is subject to the willingness of our members to contribute to and share the responsibility for their organization. Your participation is what keeps this group going for our children and families, so please consider volunteering. .

I/we are interested in volunteering in the following area(s):
Waiting/Prospective Parents Support Older Child Activities Playgroups
Fund-raising for orphanages Database management Website
Culture Day Committee Community Outreach Newsletter
Event Organizing Other (please explain):

FCC-North Texas is a non-profit public benefit corporation with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Please visit our web site